08 January 2007

A Sort of Homecoming (19.12.06)

Isabel made her first departure from England and according to the 1881 Census she was in the land of her forefathers. In fact, 117 years on the 1998 Census suggests the Craigs are still proliferate in south west Scotland.

As the day was short and the climate cold and misty, it was only a very short visit, firstly with a brief stop at Gretna Green.

There were few people around that day as the weather was only suited to hardy Highland Cattle.

Isabel looking on confused by the strange beast below

It was then off to see the infamous blacksmith, but like us, he'd taken extended Christmas leave. Isabel was not impressed with the outcome.

and continued to be unimpressed...

After the tantrums of Gretna it was off for a whistle-stop tour of mist-bound Caerlaverock Castle

Departing the castle, we took the short journey up to Dumfries and then on for lunch in Lockerbie

Isabel hitting the bottle.

After lunch it was time to return to England.


At 3:14 pm, Blogger Pebbles said...

Re: "Isabel looking on confused by the strange beast below"

Bit harsh to put this caption above a photo of Kate!


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