Mid-late November was a hectic time for the Craigs with a full week of visits to friends and family in Northants and Surrey. The climax to the week was the 60th Birthday Party of Granny Schmit on Saturday 25th.
First on the agenda (Sun 19 Nov) was a visit to see The Beans of Wellingborough.
The three sons of Jim & Jacqui Bean were keen to meet Isabel and here they are pictured below (from l to r) Nathan, Zak and Joshua.
WARNING: Under no circumstances ever play
Risk with these three lads (I was wiped out defending South America within 30 minutes!)
Next up to wrestle with Isabel was Chris and Anita Bean's daughter Olivia (with cousin Joshua).

And finally, the full set of Beans (from l to r) Jacqui, Joshua, Anita, Olivia, Zak, Chris, Alex, Jim and Nathan.

The day finished with Grandad giving Isabel a bottle of the house white.

Next stop was down to Farnham for some more meets and greets. It was a full house at Granny Schmit's on her 60th birthday (Wed 22 Nov) and, this time, working clockwise from back row to front row:
Liz, Granny, Isabel, Wal (distracted), Helena, Allan, David, Neal, Maggie, Jon, Kate and Abi.

Timeout (Thur 23 Nov)

Auntie Helena visits (Fri 24 Nov)

Jon bravely volunteers for a night feed, which coincided with a
Test Match Special broadcast of the first Ashes test.

Party Day (Sat 25th)
It was time to consult a
Family Tree chart to work out Isabel's new first cousins once removed, second cousins twice removed etc, etc. For the purposes of this section cousins are being referred to as cousins!
First to snatch Isabel (from the afternoon arrivals) was Great Aunt Stella

Followed by Great Uncle Adrian

..and then Great Uncle Adrian's son - cousin Dan

Later that evening it was off to Granny Schmit's 60th Birthday Party for a
Ceilidh pronounced "kaylee").
A couple of the guests spotted in the bar area think about 'bagging' Isabel while nobody is looking!

...and on to the dancing...

The dancing paused briefly whilst Jenny gave a 'thanks for turning out for me' speech

and then it was on with the dancing once again..

The next morning (Sun 26) a few more visitors called in to say hello to Isabel, including Cousin Will from South Wales and Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Maur from New South Wales
Cousin Will from the closer South Wales..

Great Uncle John & Great Aunt Maur from
Bowral New South Wales.

And finally we end the week with 2 tables for 17 and Sunday lunch at the Lobster Pot in Farnham.

After lunch with family, young Isabel says goodbye and it's back up north.

The end of a long and enjoyable week.